Group & Private Infant Massage Classes for Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles County
Infant Massage Classes
The power of touch with your infant is real...
When an intimate caretaker looks into their baby’s eyes, pupils dilate, respirations increase and the caretaker wants to touch their baby and be physically close. This is a documented physiological and emotional response and is true for babies too. Pupils dilate, respirations increase and your baby wants physical closeness, creating an intimate exchange. These exchanges are also experienced in adulthood when falling in love. In essence, the way we touch our babies now sets the template for our baby’s own intimate relationships in adulthood, potentially reaching into their parental behaviors. As parents, we have the power to model and teach how intimacy works from the beginning.
Choose the infant massage venue that's right for you:
Discover the Benefits of Infant Massage for Baby:
+ the Benefits for you as a Mom!
Infant Massage Class (4 Week Series)
Now in Ventura & Thousand Oaks!
- Ventura Sept 8 - 29, Sundays 10: 30am to 12 noon
- Ventura Dec 1-22, Sundays 10: 30am to 12 noon
- Thousand Oaks August 8-29, Thursdays 10: 30am to 12 noon
- Thousand Oaks Nov 7 - 28, Thursdays 10: 30am to 12 noon (with holiday break)
INVESTMENT: $200. Payment Plan Available. No one gets turned away - infant massage is for All.
This series brings new mamas and babies together, to practice infant massage in a lovely, peaceful setting. Together we explore the benefits of infant massage, practice all the strokes and determine what techniques work best for your own unique baby.
Small class size means you can also ask questions regarding colic and crying; tummy time; physical development and play; baby’s communication; typical sleep challenges (for the both of you); baby’s nutrition; and anything else about baby & postpartum.
NEW! Infant Massage 90-minute Workshop
Monthly in Santa Clarita or Host a Session with Your Mom's Group!
- SANTA CLARITA Last Friday of every month, starting June 26th 10 - 11:30am @ Pure Births Birth Center | 30 Santa Clarita Ca. 91321
- OR HOST YOUR OWN GROUP > Contact Pamela
This session provides basic benefits, strokes, including Colic and Reflux Relief, oils, and how to touch your baby to prevent meltdowns. Want to anticipate your baby's needs? Let me show how Infant Massage helps.
Tea and Treats are provided with oils and reminder notes. Fussy or napping babies are not a problem. Come learn, relax and enjoy your baby.
Private Infant Massage Class in Your Home
Individual in-home sessions are perfect for MamaBabies who don’t have a traditional schedule, as well as those who choose to include family and caretakers from the onset of instruction. They are also a great alternative to group classes for those whose babies have serious disabilities, those who have anxiety leaving home, and those with crawling babies and/or other children with them at home.
These private sessions will address the benefits of infant massage, and offer the opportunity to practice strokes with an experienced guide. We will also address how to soothe and prevent meltdowns before they occur, colic, baby’s communication cues, physical development, and sleep. Mobile babies, toddlers, and preschoolers have different developmental needs and will be honored and incorporated into our sessions. Family members and caretakers can be included in the massage practice, provided that the mom’s needs and baby’s needs are met first and foremost.
INVESTMENT: Begins at $235 depending on location.