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An online lactation class for new parents

Making Milk Workshop

Live Online Lactation Class for New Parents

We nurture and grow our babies by feeding them, and their nourishment will become a big part of your postpartum recovery, regardless of the way you choose to provide it. Milk, and the feeding of it to our infants, become very personal throughout the first year of their lives.

Understanding the basics of milk production, baby’s cooperation, troubleshooting challenges, and addressing common myths and nursing products are all important elements of successfully feeding your baby. When, where, and how to get prompt assistance is equally important. I can help.

Planning to pump? There are strategies, storage, and bottle-feeding considerations to learn about; and there are tricks that will completely change the landscape of your postpartum experience.

Perhaps you’re formula feeding, or planning to use a combination of both human milk and formula. You'll learn optimal bottle preparation, safety standards, and cleaning precautions. This session covers it all.

Making Milk

90 minutes

WHEN: Sunday, June 23rd.

INVESTMENT: $99. Or, enjoy it as part of the full Happy Baby Happy Mama series for just $209. 

WHERE: Offered live online.

Serving Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Counties